
Access Control

Public vs Private Event / LivePage


For a public page, you do not apply any access control; any guests with the access link(s) will be able to access your event / livepage(s) without any authentication.


Only registered attendees who are in People App and granted access to the livepages will have access to them.

In Authentication, you are able to determine the attendee check-in method.

In Page Settings, you will be setting up the livepage's privacy and customise them as per your event's requirements

LivePage Privacy

Access Control

To control the access of a LivePage, simply set up some rules:

  1. People Field: To pick up a field in the data uploaded to People App as a filtered value.
  2. Condition: Equal (==), Exclude (!=), Like, Ends with, Is empty, Is not empty
  3. Enter String: The logic that you wish to achieve in this rule

For example: Only VIP Ticket will have access to this particular LivePage



Once you have restricted access to your LivePage, you then can also enable redirection for attendees who have no access to it.

Simply click on "Enable redirect when no access" and select the LivePage in the dropdown.


Blocks Privacy

To control the visibility of a block, the mechanism is similar to LivePage's management.

Within the Block Setting, you will find "Advanced" and "Visibility Control"


This feature helps to set the rules for a specific block's visibility.

  1. People Field: To pick up a field in the data uploaded to People App as a filtered value.
  2. Condition: Equal (==), Exclude (!=), Like, Ends with, Is empty, Is not empty
  3. Enter String: The logic that you wish to achieve in this rule

In addition, you can Add Rule or Add Group as per the requirements

  • Add Rule: To apply multi-rules for the same group
  • Add Group: To set different rules for different groups