
Design Principles

Here are the principle when building a 3D Panorama or 3D Flat venue


This is the rough process when building a 3D venue:

  1. 3D Designer
    1. 3D designer designs the 3D model in a 3D software like 3DS Max, Sketchup, Blender, etc.
    2. 3D model is imported into 3D Vista.
    3. "Polygon Hotspots" are added in 3D Vista. These hotspots are vector shapes which are drawn in 3D Vista.
    4. JS click events are also added to the hotspots.
    5. These hotspots are what become the block's cover images in our Venue Editor.
    6. 3D designer publishes and exports the designs from 3D Vista. This action is called "Publish for web"
  2. Venue Developer
    1. The venue developer then uses the exported files to build the venue.


Our objective is that every venue that we design and build should be as neutral as possible, so that a venue can be used for different events and different experiences. By "neutral" we mean that the venue should not have any of the following hard-coded designs:

  1. Event branding like the event logo,
  2. "Room titles" like "Conference", "Exhibition Hall", etc.
  3. Any other "content design" like advertisement banners, etc.

Below are examples of what should not be done in a 3D design:

Example 1

These items circled in the screenshot above are have been either added in the 3D model or in 3D Vista, but should not.

Instead, the venue should look like this:


Where each of the green panel then becomes the cover image of a block.

Example 2

Another example of what should not be done:

In this second example, all the content, banners, event branding are hard coded in the 3D model which is not the right way of going about it.


Every 3D Flat room design requires the following 4 images in PNG format:

  1. Desktop view with content panels: 1920 × 1080px
  2. Desktop view without content panels: 1920 × 1080px
  3. Mobile view with content panels: 375 x 800px
  4. Mobile view without content panels: 375 x 800px