
Using the Venue Editor

Learn more about the concepts behind the Venue Editor here:

Accessing the Venue Editor

There are two ways in which you can access the Venue Editor.

1. Accessing the Venue Editor from the Venue details screen

Under Virtual → Venue, click on the Venue Editor button on the right:


2. Accessing the Venue Editor from a particular livepage

Under Virtual → LivePages, click on the Customise button for a particular livepage. This will then open that particular livepage in the Venue Editor:


Anatomy of the Venue Editor

The interface of the Venue Editor is divided into 3 main parts:



The header of the Venue Editor consists of the following functionalities:


Settings Panel

The Settings Panel is found on the left of the Venue Editor and gives you access to the settings of the following:

  1. The LiveBar widget
  2. The Header widget
  3. All Blocks on the livepage

Navigating the settings panel

The Settings Panel is contextual and will change depending on the item selected.

To access the settings of a widget or block, simply click on the item. This will load the settings of the selected item.

To exit the settings of an item and to get back to the previous screen, click on the Back arrow icon in the top lefthand corner.

Navigating the Settings Panel.
Navigating the Settings Panel.

Turning a widget on/off

To turn on or off a widget, click on the switch icon of the widget. Turning off a widget will completely remove it from the livepage.

Turning on and off the LiveBar and Header widgets.
Turning on and off the LiveBar and Header widgets.

Showing/hiding a block

To show or hide a block, click on the 👁️ eye icon of the block. Hiding a block will allow the block right after it to take its place on the livepage.

Adding blocks

To add blocks to your livepage, click on the Add Blocks button.

Reordering your blocks

To reorder the sequence of the blocks on your livepage, click and drag the dotted icon found on the right side of a block.


The Live Preview Area

The Live Preview area allows you to see how your changes look like, before pushing them to your production venue. Think of the Live Preview as a draft preview of your changes. This therefore, allows you to experiment and make sure that everything is looking as expected before publishing your changes, for all attendees to see.

Publishing Your Changes to Production

Setting a LivePage to "Live" Mode

Setting a LivePage to "Draft" Mode