
Live Streaming with 3rd Party Tools

Exploring how you can live stream to GEVME with your preferred third-party Tools

GEVME Live Channel Settings

Once a Live Stream Channel is created, you can use it in a Block by selecting the "GEVME Live" streaming service.

You are then able to access the RTMP URL and Stream Key information of the channel. Simply copy-paste these information to your third-party streaming tool, as shown below:


Third-Party Streaming Tools

vMix to GEVMEvMix to GEVMEStreamlabs to GEVMEStreamlabs to GEVMEOBS Studio to GEVMEOBS Studio to GEVMELive Streaming Zoom Meetings to GEVMELive Streaming Zoom Meetings to GEVMELive Streaming Webex Meetings to GEVMELive Streaming Webex Meetings to GEVME