Name | Type | Description | Rebar Syntax | JS Syntax | Parent1 Object | Parent2 Object | Parent1 Object Type | Parent2 Object Type |
String | [Deprecated] Represents the URL to the folder of template being loaded | {{project.baseUrl}} | window.GEVME.project.baseUrl | Object | ||||
Object | List of HTML codes for partials which are used for rendering preset components on the page, the keys are the name of the html files. | {{project.partials}} | window.GEVME.project.partials | Object | ||||
String | The URL of background image. | {{setting.backgroundImage}} | window.GEVME.setting.backgroundImage | Object | ||||
Boolean | Under livepage settings, if Use a custom background image is selected, this field will be true. | {{livepage.hasCustomBackground}} | window.GEVME.livepage.hasCustomBackground | Object | ||||
Boolean | Similar to hasCustomBackground. | {{livepage.hasCustomLogo}} | window.GEVME.livepage.hasCustomLogo | Object | ||||
String | Id of the company sponsor. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
Boolean | Indicates whether the livepage is public. | {{livepage.isPublic}} | window.GEVME.livepage.isPublic | Object | ||||
Boolean | Indicates whether the livepage is published. | {{livepage.isPublished}} | window.GEVME.livepage.isPublished | Object | ||||
String | Logo of the company that sponsors. | {{sponsor.logo}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.logo | Object | ||||
Object | Shows all the details about each block in the livepage. One example for Rich Text block is shown here. You may refer to other block types under Experience JSON tab. | {{livepage.showcaseblocks}} | window.GEVME.livepage.showcaseblocks | Object | ||||
String | The uniquely identifiable URL slug of the livepage. To generate the full URL of a page, you can use:
Rebar Syntax:
| {{livepage.slug}} | window.GEVME.livepage.slug | Object | ||||
String | The title of the livepage. | {{livepage.title}} | window.GEVME.livepage.title | Object | ||||
Array of Objects | Similar to showcaseblocks. However, the main difference is that for showcaseblocks, the type is in array of objects, with all the showcaseblocks being ordered based on how they are configured. | {{livepage.showcaseblocksweight}} | window.GEVME.livepage.showcaseblocksweight | Object | ||||
String | Description for the company. | {{sponsor.description}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.description | Object | ||||
String | String of date and time formatted in UTC Timezone. Eg: “2021-06-24T08:35:00.000Z”. | {{agenda.0.startTime}} | window.GEVME.agenda[0].startTime | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Session livepage of the agenda, appended with a token to ensure value is unique. Eg: Session Livepage: Project –> showcaseSlug: Project-cbdnxU80. | {{agenda.0.projectShowcase.showcaseSlug}} | window.GEVME.agenda[0].projectShowcase.showcaseSlug | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Name of the company that sponsors. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | URL of the logos. | {{agenda.0.logos}} | window.GEVME.agenda[0].logos | Array of Objects | ||||
String | String of date and time formatted in UTC Timezone. Eg: “2021-06-24T08:35:00.000Z”. | {{agenda.0.endTime}} | window.GEVME.agenda[0].endTime | Array of Objects | ||||
String | [Deprecated] Represents the URL to the folder of template being loaded | {{project.baseUrl}} | window.GEVME.project.baseUrl | Object | ||||
Object | List of HTML codes for partials which are used for rendering preset components on the page, the keys are the name of the html files. | {{project.partials}} | window.GEVME.project.partials | Object | ||||
String | Name of the company that sponsors. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Id of the company sponsor. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | The ID of the company. | {{project.companyId}} | window.GEVME.project.companyId | Object | ||||
String | The URL of background image. | {{setting.backgroundImage}} | window.GEVME.setting.backgroundImage | Object | ||||
String | URL of the custom domain. | {{setting.customDomain}} | window.GEVME.setting.customDomain | Object | ||||
String | Hex code for the default text color. | {{setting.textColor}} | window.GEVME.setting.textColor | Object | ||||
String |
| {{setting.registrationUrl}} | window.GEVME.setting.registrationUrl | Object | ||||
String | Logo of the company that sponsors. | {{sponsor.logo}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.logo | Object | ||||
Object | Contains attributes for login options. | {{setting.loginOption}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption | Object | ||||
Object | Contains attributes for livebar settings. | {{setting.livebar}} | window.GEVME.setting.livebar | Object | ||||
Object | Contains attributes for header settings. | {{setting.header}} | window.GEVME.setting.header | Object | ||||
Function | Click here for more information. | {{toggleResourceBookmark}} | window.GEVME.toggleResourceBookmark | |||||
Function | Click here for more information. | {{utils.openModalPopup}} | window.GEVME.utils.openModalPopup | Object | ||||
Function | Click here for more information. | {{utils.logoutUser}} | window.GEVME.utils.logoutUser | Object | ||||
Function | You can switch modal pop up to be visible as such: window.GEVME.utils.checkModalPopupVisibility(true) | {{utils.checkModalPopupVisibility}} | window.GEVME.utils.checkModalPopupVisibility | Object | ||||
String | Id of the company sponsor. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Source of the venue. e.g.”github”. | {{venue.source}} | window.GEVME.venue.source | Object | ||||
String | The type of the venue. e.g. “store”. | {{venue.type}} | window.GEVME.venue.type | Object | ||||
List of sample preview pictures of the venue. | {{}} | | Object | |||||
String | Description for the company. | {{sponsor.description}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.description | Object | ||||
String | The URL of the thumbnail image file. | {{venue.thumbnail}} | window.GEVME.venue.thumbnail | Object | ||||
Integer | {{venue.isEditable}} | window.GEVME.venue.isEditable | Object | |||||
String | The URL of sdk. | {{venue.sdkBaseUrl}} | window.GEVME.venue.sdkBaseUrl | Object | ||||
String | The version number of the venue. | {{venue.version}} | window.GEVME.venue.version | Object | ||||
Object | Contains attributes for the experience being used. | {{venue.experience}} | window.GEVME.venue.experience | Object | ||||
Array of Objects | Each type of widget has multiple features. For example, live-bar widget has 7 different features whereas a header widget has only 3 features. | {{widgets.0.features}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].features | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Name of the company that sponsors. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Suggested usage of the venue. | {{venue.goodFor}} | window.GEVME.venue.goodFor | Object | ||||
String | Email of user. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Last name of speaker. | {{speakers.0.lastname}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].lastname | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Project ID of this sponsorship. | {{sponsor.projectId}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.projectId | Object | ||||
String | Id of the company sponsor. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Job title of speaker. | {{speakers.0.jobtitle}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].jobtitle | Array of Objects | ||||
String | First name of speaker. | {{speakers.0.firstname}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].firstname | Array of Objects | ||||
Integer | {{}} | | Object | |||||
String | Company of speaker. | {{}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].company | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Name of the company that sponsors. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Custom fields that the company would want to add in the sponsorship. | {{sponsor.custom2}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.custom2 | Object | ||||
String | Custom fields that the company would want to add in the sponsorship. | {{sponsor.custom4}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.custom4 | Object | ||||
String | Custom fields that the company would want to add in the sponsorship. | {{sponsor.custom5}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.custom5 | Object | ||||
String | Custom fields that the company would want to add in the sponsorship. | {{sponsor.custom3}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.custom3 | Object | ||||
String | Unique ID when creating the sponsorship company. | {{sponsor.code}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.code | Object | ||||
String | Id of the company sponsor. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | If sponsorship is linked to any package, sponsorPackageId will contain the id of the package. | {{sponsor.sponsorPackageId}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.sponsorPackageId | Object | ||||
String | Description for the company. | {{sponsor.description}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.description | Object | ||||
Boolean | Checks if the sponsorship is bookmarked. | {{sponsor.isBookmarked}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.isBookmarked | Object | ||||
String | Project ID of this sponsorship. | {{sponsor.projectId}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.projectId | Object | ||||
String | Name of the company that sponsors. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | Optional tagline for the company. | {{sponsor.tagline}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.tagline | Object | ||||
String | Logo of the company that sponsors. | {{sponsor.logo}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.logo | Object | ||||
String | Custom fields that the company would want to add in the sponsorship. | {{sponsor.custom1}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.custom1 | Object | ||||
Array of Objects | Any social media links such as Twitter, Instagram, Website, etc. Full for description, click here. | {{sponsor.socialMediaLinks}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.socialMediaLinks | Object | ||||
String | Biography of speaker, in HTML format. Eg: “<p>Biography</p>”. | {{}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].bio | Array of Objects | ||||
String | First name of speaker. | {{speakers.0.firstname}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].firstname | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Company of speaker. | {{}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].company | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Job title of speaker. | {{speakers.0.jobtitle}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].jobtitle | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Last name of speaker. | {{speakers.0.lastname}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].lastname | Array of Objects | ||||
String | URL of the speaker’s profile picture uploaded. | {{speakers.0.profilePhoto}} | window.GEVME.speakers[0].profilePhoto | Array of Objects | ||||
Boolean | Indicates whether a particular type of widget is enabled for the livepage. | {{widgets.0.enabled}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].enabled | Array of Objects | ||||
String | There are 3 types of widgets: “live-bar”, “header”, and “menus”. | {{widgets.0.widget}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].widget | Array of Objects | ||||
String | Field is only available when widget is of type: “live-bar”. Position can be “right” or “left”, etc. | {{widgets.0.position}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].position | Array of Objects | ||||
Array |
| {{widgets.0.options}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].options | Array of Objects | ||||
Array of Objects |
| {{widgets.0.inputs}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].inputs | Array of Objects | ||||
Boolean | Indicates if the list of features are being ordered in the array. | {{widgets.0.featuresOrdering}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].featuresOrdering | Array of Objects | ||||
Array of Objects | Each type of widget has multiple features. For example, live-bar widget has 7 different features whereas a header widget has only 3 features. | {{widgets.0.features}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].features | Array of Objects | ||||
Boolean | Indicates whether a particular type of widget is enabled for the livepage. | {{widgets.0.enabled}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].enabled | Array of Objects | ||||
Boolean | {{setting.livebar.closable}} | window.GEVME.setting.livebar.closable | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{setting.livebar.positionRight}} | window.GEVME.setting.livebar.positionRight | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{setting.livebar.positionLeft}} | window.GEVME.setting.livebar.positionLeft | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | Indicates whether a particular type of widget is enabled for the livepage. | {{widgets.0.enabled}} | window.GEVME.widgets[0].enabled | Array of Objects | ||||
Object | {{setting.loginOption.custom}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption.custom | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{setting.loginOption.sms}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption.sms | Object | Object | ||||
Object | {{setting.loginOption.sharedPassword}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption.sharedPassword | Object | Object | ||||
Array of Objects | {{setting.loginOption.sharedPassword.value}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption.sharedPassword.value | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{setting.loginOption.sharedPassword.enable}} | window.GEVME.setting.loginOption.sharedPassword.enable | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{}} | | Object | Object | ||||
Boolean | {{}} | | Object | Object | ||||
String | Email of user. | {{}} | | Object | ||||
String | {{sponsor.socialMediaLinks.0.label}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.socialMediaLinks[0].label | Object | Array of Objects | ||||
String | {{sponsor.socialMediaLinks.0.url}} | window.GEVME.sponsor.socialMediaLinks[0].url | Object | Array of Objects | ||||
String | The type of the venue. e.g. “store”. | {{venue.type}} | window.GEVME.venue.type | Object | ||||
Array of Objects | List of all agendas available for the project. You may find the agendas in the picture shown below. | {{agenda}} | window.GEVME.agenda | |||||
Boolean | Indicates whether it is a full page preview. | {{fullPagePreview}} | window.GEVME.fullPagePreview | |||||
Array of Objects | List settings on current LivePage for all widgets that are enabled. Array contains information about the following widgets with the corresponding array index: 0 - LiveBar 1 - Header 2 - Menus | {{widgets}} | window.GEVME.widgets | |||||
Object | Contains attributes related to the venue. | {{venue}} | window.GEVME.venue | |||||
Object | Various utilities to support GEVME such as log out function, modal pop up, modal visibility, etc. | {{utils}} | window.GEVME.utils | |||||
Object | Information about currently logged in user | {{user}} | window.GEVME.user | |||||
Object | The template used by the livepage. | {{template}} | window.GEVME.template | |||||
Array of Objects | Array of sponsor object. Read more sponsor | {{sponsors}} | window.GEVME.sponsors | |||||
Object | The sponsor currently active for this page. | {{sponsor}} | window.GEVME.sponsor | |||||
Object | Contains settings of the current livepage. | {{setting}} | window.GEVME.setting | |||||
Object | Contains attributes related to the project. | {{project}} | window.GEVME.project | |||||
Object | Contains attributes related to this livepage. | {{livepage}} | window.GEVME.livepage | |||||
Boolean | Indicates whether the page is a preview. | {{isPreview}} | window.GEVME.isPreview | |||||
Object | Contains the global files’ content available to all livepages. | {{global}} | | |||||
{{}} | window.GEVME. | |||||||
String | Base URL of folder to template | {{template.baseURL}} | window.GEVME.template.baseURL | Object | ||||
String | The root URL of a project. Eg. | {{project.rootUrl}} | window.GEVME.project.rootUrl | Object |