
Build a Virtual Event


This is the first view once you select the Project that you are working on. This Home screen will guide you and set you on the path to success.

  • Home List of Applications
  • Overview A snapshot of your to-do-list
  • Project Settings: This is where you can insert general event settings; i.e.: populate the Event Date/Time, and upload the project logo, and background image.


In Gevme, the main components of event production categories are called Apps.

There are Modules within Apps.

Modules / Content are synced across Apps to ease your management.

Smart Search

You can use the search bar to locate the App or Module that you wish to work on.

Switch App

Quick click on the “Switch App” icon to toggle between Apps.


Gevme Apps

Attendee ManagementAttendee ManagementHybrid EngagementHybrid EngagementEvent ContentEvent ContentVirtualVirtualExhibitors & SponsorsExhibitors & SponsorsNetworkingNetworkingAnalyticsAnalyticsGamificationGamificationIntegrationIntegration